MTB Skills Articles, Tips & Advice Articles

Coming back from an MTB Crash of Injury

Coming Back From An MTB Injury, Crash, Or Setback

I have gotten a lot of emails about this tough mental process, and so far this year I have had two student cancellations because they injured themselves less than a week before their course. I think this is an area where many people struggle, certainly for me I have...
How to fall less and ride more!

How to Fall Less and Ride More

An unfortunate truth about mountain biking is that you will fall, no matter how good you are. Most of my falls have nothing to do with skill, nor with taking chances. Most of my falls happen on the easy parts of a trail when I just lose focus for a second. A simple...
The most important MTB Skills

The Most Important Mountain Biking Skill

Have you ever been told you are really smart? Told/know that you have a high IQ? Are you really analytical? Then you probably suffer from the same mountain biking skill error I have been fighting all my life - trying to think your way through physical skills! This...
Video cornering tips

Cornering, Video Tutorials

I’ve been coaching up a storm this spring! Great to see smiling, stoked students who have progressed massively in my course and are primed for even greater progress as they continue to do their drills!Students in my signature course from April 2-4, 2021, Moab...