Trail Domination Mtb skills course

All 3-Day courses taught by Gene Hamilton

Tired of the Trail Getting the Best of You?

Feel that your Core Skills are Fairly Solid but there are still Sections of Trail where you aren’t as
Smooth, Fast, or Confident as you would like to be?

My Trail Domination Course is the course for you!

Gene wheelie

Course Goals

Trail Domination group

Layout Of The 3-Day Course

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

Learn the Skills to Get 


More Efficient


In Control

Sometimes it isn’t just about how well you can execute a skill but how well you can SUBCONSCIOUSLY apply it based on need and trail conditions.

THIS IS HOW YOU DOMINATE THE TRAIL – being smooth and creating flow using the right amount of the right skill at the right time – even when the trail has no flow.

If you feel reasonably competent at the core skills of mountain biking (descending, climbing, cornering, and getting over obstacles in control and in balance) and would like a review of those skills, then this on-trail application course is for you!

Don’t worry if you don’t feel as competent as you would like. It took EWS stars Mitch Ropelato and Cody Kelly four of my core skills courses (and a lot of practice in between those courses) to truly master the mechanics.

Gene wants to teach you “situational competency” and the “situational awareness” to read the trail and pick the best lines for your goals.

THERE ARE 3 NEW SKILLS that he will teach you that will allow you to take advantage of your new found vision:

  • trail reading
  • the bump jump
  • pumping and pumping corners

All of these subtle skills will pay off big when done correctly. They must be done at exactly the right time and in proportion with the trail and speed that you are going. A little too much and they can hinder you more than help you.

Gene cornering on trail

Core Skills Learned in a Trial Domination MTB Skills Course

Refresh your Core Skills from an earlier BetterRide Course/s and

Learn to Apply them on Trail

Learn the Subtle Skills that Pay off Massively

Learn How to Look at the Trail and see the Faster and More Efficient Pro Lines

Learn How to work WITH the trail instead of FIGHTING it

Learn How to Pump, Pump Corners and Bump Jump

This is not the second course in a series, it is simply a different course with different goals.

It is also much more physical as we will be getting more than twice the trail time/milage/vertical feet of climbing than in my core skills course.

BetterRide group photo

Course Goals

The 1st GOAL for the Trail Domination Course is to get you to understand how to apply the same core skill differently depending on the trail conditions and/or situation:

Size and Steepness

Loose vs. Hard-Packed

Fast vs. Slow

Tight vs. Wide Open

Slick vs. Good Traction

The 2nd GOAL for the Trail Domination Course is getting you to look at the trail differently, having taught you all about vision, how our eyes work and how to use your vision on trail in my regular course.

The 3rd GOAL is to teach you how to look at the trail like a pro. Teach you to quickly see the best options and make quick decisions on the fly so you can use your newly improved skills to the best of your ability.

Gene Hamilton

Layout Of  The 3-Day Trail Domination MTB Skills Course

A typical Trail Domination Course Coaching day runs from:

8:45 am until 3:00 to 3:30 pm.

The structure of each day will be quite different:

You will start with coaching and drills like Gene’s signature skills course, but this time the off-trail coaching and drills will be shorter and you will spend a lot more time on trail!

The on-trail time will be a mix of Gene coaching and explaining, then you applying the skill while Gene helps make sure you are doing it right.

It should allow you to get the most out of the skills from the first course.




Gene cornering


Course Dates & Locations

Phone: 435 260 7696


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