I wrote an article with this title way back in 2012 and it got some angry replies! I have learned a colossal amount...
MTB Skills Articles, Tips & Advice Articles
Review – Whoop Strap (Recovery/Workout Monitor) Is It Worth It?
Have you ever questioned yourself regarding your energy recovery level? I slept well but I feel kind of tired. Should...
How to Hit Big Jumps and Drops On Your Mountain Bike, At Any Age!
A common email or phone call I get starts off like this, “Hey Gene, I’m a really skilled mountain biker, I don’t need...
Mountain Bike Pre-Ride Routine to Help You Ride Your Best
Most of my crashes and injuries have occurred within five minutes of throwing a leg over my bike, usually, because I...
Mountain Biking and Back Pain, The Final Piece of the Puzzle!
If you have been reading my blog for awhile you probably know that I have been suffering from back pain for the last...
Mountain Bikers are Athletes, Act Like One!
Many "casual" mountain bikers and even some racers don't feel like they are athletes. Well, I have news for you,...
MTB, The Odds are Against You (which is good!)
MTB, The Odds are Against You (which is good!) this is my second piece this year on how fear is good. When you were...
Fear While Mountain Biking is Good, Part 2
Fear While Mountain Biking is Good, Part 2, You Can’t Out Think Fear (Read part 1 here: http://wp.me/p49ApH-1dx ) Fear...
Fear When Mountain Biking is Good!
Fear when mountain biking is good. Probably never thought of it that way but often fear can save you from injury and...
Mountain Biking Too Much?
For most of my thirties and forties I was mountain biking too much! How can that be you ask? Well, let me explain....
Achieve Your Mountain Bike Dreams and/or Life Dreams! If I can do it, so can you!
Friends often ask me how I have managed to live my mountain bike dreams of making a living as a mountain bike coach....
Never Flat Again On Your Mountain Bike!
That's right, I have found the way to never flat again on your mountain bike while still running low enough pressure...
Mountain Biking, Winning, Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Mountain Biking, Winning, Stop Comparing Yourself to Others At BetterRide we define winning while mountain biking as...