Most of my crashes and injuries have occurred within five minutes of throwing a leg over my bike, usually, because I wasn’t mentally “on my bike”.
I was still worried/thinking about something that happened before my ride – Did I leave the stove on? Who won last night’s game? Do these fat tires make my butt look big? 😊, and have a silly crash on an easy trail. We need to be focused and in the moment to ride our best!
Being mentally somewhere else, not “in the moment” is the cause of so much pain (mentally and physically) as we stumble through the day (or a ride) without a true focus.
To make themselves feel comfortable and confident, top competitors in all sports utilize a personalized PRE-RACE (or pre-game) routine to help them perform at their best. Routines are not the same as rituals. A routine is a structured plan designed to help you reach your optimum performance while a ritual relies on superstition to control your performance – things like not washing your “lucky” socks or stepping on a crack. In other words, a routine helps you take control of your performance while rituals assume fate (not you) will control your ride/race.
This was originally written for a downhill team I coached but works equally well for all riding and racing. A big goal is to eliminate thoughts that will distract you and instead, put you in the proper mental state to ride with confidence!
I have added a night-before-the-ride/race routine to eliminate most causes of worry and allow you to get some sleep.
Your pre-race/ride routine should make you comfortable in strange/new surroundings, build your confidence, eliminate stress, and prepare you to do your best. I have listed many common practices to get you started but you must experiment and find out what works best for you. This is another aspect of riding and/or racing where keeping a journal can really help you find out what works.
Night Before Ride/Race
1. Equipment
a. Inspect and tune your bike completely with a checklist and put on your number plate (how many riders have gotten to the trailhead without shoes, helmet, shorts, etc and/or how many racers have arrived at a race and realized that their number plate is back in the hotel?!)
b. Prepare race clothes, shoes, pads, helmet, goggles, gloves. Use a checklist.
c. Prepare bag to take to the trailhead/start with you: spare goggles and gloves, smart phone (CHARGED!), food, drink, etc. Use checklist.
d. Add your own topics.
2. Mental prep
a. “Riders” – Know what you are getting into by reading/asking people/watching videos about the trail. You need to be prepared for your ride. Know: how long, how rough, how much climbing, etc the trail is/has will help you prepare and feel more confident that you are ready for the ride. This helps you feel comfortable, relaxed and makes it easier to fall asleep.
Living in Moab I can’t believe the amount of people who get off the shuttle at the top of Burro Pass and think the Whole Enchilada is an easy, all downhill ride back to town! They don’t know that it starts with a 1,000 vertical foot climb from 10,000 to 11,000 feet and they aren’t dressed for the cold! It might be 70 degrees in town but it can be 30 degrees cooler at 11,000 feet.
b. “Racers” – Know the course by heart – no missing sections. Have a confident plan on how you will ride from top to bottom (worrying about how to handle that “big jump” will keep you up all night).
c. Image your race run (at least twice) from standing in line at the start to your feelings of elation after crossing the finish line with a perfect run.
d. Remember, only concern yourself with what you can control (which basically is your equipment and your riding). Worrying about how your competition will ride is a big waste of time because you have no control over their riding.
e. Add your own preparation (meditation, stretching, yoga, etc.)
Morning of Ride/Race
1. Physical prep
a. When to wake up. How long before ride/race do you want to wake up so you have time to shower, eat, do dynamic stretching, take care of any loose ends?
b. What to eat and when to eat it, etc. Experiment with what you eat and how long before your ride/race you want to finish eating. We are different in this department and it may be different for a 40 mile ride with 8,000 feet of climbing than it is for a 10 mile hammer fest at full speed. This is what a riding/training journal is for.
c. Add your own.
2. Mental prep
a. Use Imaging, stretching, meditation, etc. to get you in the right mental state to ride your best.
b. Find out what works for you.
At Trailhead/Race Site
1. Physical prep
a. Dressing routine. Always dressing (changing from street clothes to your riding clothes) in a certain order can be almost like a meditation, putting you in the right mental state to ride and making you feel at home even when miles away.
b. Warm up. Get your body ready for the ride!
c. Practice run (if offered).
d. Simple routine. Before every ride I tap my chest on my stem a few times and go over my acronym below.
e. Find out what works for you.
2. Mental prep
a. Find out what your riding/racing fears are and how to put them to rest (weeks before the race). Many riders are worried about that one section of the trail that their buddy warned them about. Many racers worry about their competition’s performance. Remember, only concern yourself with what you can control.
b. “Riders” – image riding smooth and in control.
c. “Racers” – image race run at least three times (good use of chair lift time).
d. Put yourself in an optimum mental state for racing/riding (again find out by experimenting while training). Many people make a shortlist or mantra of why they will perform well – I have trained hard all winter for this, I know the course, I’m fast, I will ride my best, etc. Also, music is a big help to many riders/racers. Make a playlist of songs that make you feel good!
e. Create an acronym for the things that you need to remember to have a good ride and tape it to your stem or bars. Mine is BRAILUM which stands for Breath, Relax, Attitude, Intensity, Look Up, and Moto (Moto was my old expression for elbows up and out). Saying “B Railum” and then thinking about each component of it really helps me focus.
f. Find out what works for you.
Use this as a rough outline adding what works and getting rid of what doesn’t through experimentation. A well thought out routine will make you confident at the start while your competition worries about their run and wonders why you are so confident.
Dan Millman calls these “transition routines” and uses an example in his married life:
Often he would have a stressful day at work, then a stressful commute home and when his loving wife opened the door and asked him how his day was he would unload that frustration on her! He quickly realized that though he wasn’t upset with his wife in the least, he was yelling at her and this probably wasn’t too good for his marriage.
He decided to create a transition routine when he got home. After he pulled into his driveway he would shut the car off but not leave the car until he had gone from frustrated coach and frustrated commuter to loving husband. He would take a few deep breaths and think something to the effect of, “Wow! what a long and frustrating day. My boss can be such a jerk! What is it with these impatient and rude drivers, I must have been cut off six times on my drive home. Geez, what a day! Now, I’m home and my loving wife is waiting for me. How fortunate am I to have such a sweet, caring. loving wife!”
Then. after a few more deep breaths he would walk to the door. When his wife asked him how his day was he would, calmly, without raising his voice say, “It was rough honey, but first give me a hug, then I will tell you about it …”. He says that this routine saved his marriage.
Years ago, Missy the “Missile” Giove (pictured below) taught me something she learned from Native Americans and added it to my Pre-Ride Routine. She said she was taught to make peace with the earth and/or the mountain. Simply take in the beauty of where you are and tell the mountain that you are just here to play, you aren’t going to hurt it. Thank the mountain for its beauty and generosity.
Realize how fortunate you are to have the time and wealth to go play on trails! This really grounds me and makes me appreciate every ride. Sometimes it’s easy to take life for granted!
Can you see how a similar routine will help you get much more out of every ride? Please share your pre-ride routine/s in the comments.
As always, create your best ride yet!
Gene, this was a great read! I need to put together a pre ride checklist after reading this. Your routine included the mental prep and awareness that I have not thought about since getting back into it 5 months ago thanks to a move to AZ. Thanks for including Missy’s comments about appreciating the mountain. That was touching and so true. Looking forward to more motivation and taking an in person class
Hi Lee,
Thanks, I’m glad you found this useful! Cool that you liked Missy’s comments, she is a cool human. I saw your sign up this morning, I’m looking forward to coaching you.
Gene if a spot opens in March for the Scottsdale event count me in
Will do, Lee. You are on the waitlist.