Making the Most of the Pandemic!
A True Champion isn’t someone who wins all the time, a champion is someone who suffers great adversity yet comes back to win again.
In these trying times of social unrest and a pandemic, this is our collective championship test. Can we as both individuals and communities come back to win again?
In a tough, stark way the challenges that we currently face are opportunities. Opportunities to learn, grow, and become stronger!
As mountain bikers, we can use this weird period in history to up our game. The one thing most of us have more of right now is time. Let’s use that time to get better at the sport we love!
What are your MTB challenges? What are you doing to conquer those challenges?
I know for me, I had gotten into a happy little pattern. Coach, ride, run my business, and manage my investments. My life was pretty darn good!
Then, right as I add the challenges of marrying the love of my life, getting her and our children US Visas and having to support a family, the pandemic hits. Followed by massive unrest.
I would be lying if I said all of this didn’t get me down.
This was going to be my year! My course signups were up 300% until mid-March, I was marrying my best friend, becoming a father to two wonderful kids, I had worked hard to purchase a new home for my family, man!, I was excited for 2020!
Then the pandemic hit and Moab closed. I had to cancel five courses, the US Visa process was delayed by at least two months and we witnessed the killing of George Floyd.
I have never seen so much uncertainty. Will my family ever make it to the US? Will anyone I love contract Covid19? Is my business going to survive? When will I see Ilse, Ludwig, and Klara again (my family)? I miss them!
Will our country become a community again? Will I be able to make enough to support my family?
So much uncertainty and fear for the future. I’m sure you have had or continue to have your own struggles. These are challenging times!
And there lies the silver lining. Challenge! What creates more lasting satisfaction and happiness than overcoming a challenge?
I’m done feeling sorry for myself. I’m not going to worry about the future (what a futile effort that is). Instead, I am going to adapt, change, and focus on being the best version of myself that I can be.
When we get through this pandemic I will be stronger, more resourceful, and a better person. This is simply another chance for us to grow (as individuals and as a civilization) and become better.
It’s not going to be easy. Most things that bring satisfaction aren’t easy. The work will be worth it though.
Here’s to change, the only thing constant in life. Let’s stop looking at all the things that are going wrong or could go wrong and instead focus our energy on how we can make things better for ourselves and our world.
How am I doing this? I’m continuing to refine and improve my coaching to help others reach their best and to support my family.
I’m slowly getting my storyboards together to create the best video tutorials that I can. By continuing to read, study, and tweak my courses my coaching will continue to improve.
For the community, I’m reinstating my 1% for the trails policy where I give 1% of my gross sales to trail crews/organizations that work to build, maintain, and improve trails for our enjoyment. Once we get a vaccine for Covid19, I can’t wait to get a Cycling Without Age chapter started in Moab!
On the personal front, I have doubled down on my meditation and gratefulness practice. Writing down what I am grateful for is a wonderful way to start the day!
On the mountain bike side, I am getting fitter and sharpening my skills. As I get older and more cautious (and slower in the scary sections) I’m getting faster! As my bike control improves, the slower it feels like I’m going, and the less scary it is despite going faster.
What challenges are you facing? What is your plan to be a champion?
Let us know and good luck on your journey!
Please share this article with anyone you think may benefit and feel free to call or e-mail with any questions.
Thanks and create your best ride yet,