
core skills  1

Mtb skills course

All courses taught by Gene Hamilton


Is there a Core Skills 2 course and when will you offer it?

Yes, 2-Day Core Skills 2 courses will start in 2025.

What will be taught in Core Skills 1 course and Core Skills 2 course?

Core Skills 1

Day 1: Goal: set your foundation for success.
  • dynamic body position
  • climbing
  • descending
  • pumping
  • contouring
  • vision
  • bike setup
  • pedal wheelie
  • coaster wheelie/manual
  • obstacles
Day 2: Goal: build on your foundation for success.
  • cornering
  • riding
  • off-camber,
  • wet roots,
  • ruts,
  • sand
  • braking

Core Skills 2

Day 1: Goal: continue building your foundation and review of Core Skills 1 Course.

  • balance
  • trackstands
  • uphill switchbacks
  • downhill switchbacks
  • advanced obstacle skills
  • rear wheel lift
  • bunny hop
Day 2: Goal: take fundamental skills further!
  • advanced obstacle skills
  • bump jumping
  • jumping
  • advanced cornering skills
  • pumping corners
  • advanced foot placement
Do I have to take Core Skills 1 before Core Skills 2 ?

Core Skills 2 is simply part 2 of the Core Skills series, it isn’t more advanced skills.

Having the foundation set from Core Skills 1 is necessary for learning and using the skills taught in Core Skills 2.

Why have you moved from offering 3-day courses to 2-day courses?

I understand that many people can’t use their vacation time or take Fridays off from their jobs for my signature 3-day course.

Do I have to take the Core Skills 1 course before I can sign up for the Core Skills 2 course?

Yes, you will be behind the other students. You may be familiar with some of the skills in my Core Skills 1 course but I have yet to coach a student who knew them and could do them at the level needed to ride at their personal best.

Remember, many of the best riders in the World have taken my Core skills 1 course multiple times.

It isn’t just knowledge of a skill it is being able to execute that skill perfectly on the most challenging trail you ride.

Gene Hamilton of BetterRide

Course Goals

BetterRide group photo

Layout Of The 2-Day Course

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

BetterRide MTB Skills Courses have been designed to teach you how to ride


More Efficient


In Control

Gene cornering on trail

Core Skills Learned in a 2-Day Core Skills 1 Course

In a BetterRide Mountain Bike Skills Course you will be taught the core skills as well as drills that you can take home to help you master the skills and get you riding to your full potential.

The Core Fundamental Skills of Mountain Bike Riding and Racing are NOT INTUITIVE.

Dynamic Body position, climbing, descending, pumping, contouring

Vision, how to look ahead correctly; everyone knows to do it, few actually do

Bike Set up for Optimal Riding and Control

Cornering Technique with Take Home Drills

How to Brake Effectively

How to Clear Large Obstacles

Pedal Wheelie

Riding Off-camber, wet roots, ruts and sand

Coaster Wheelie/Manual

Student wheelie

Course Goals

Gene’s Mountain Bike Skills Course will help you with both the MENTAL and PHYSICAL sides of mountain biking.

The goal is to help you reach your potential by teaching you the core skills of mountain biking along with the drills to master them.

Core Skills 1 will set the foundation for your riding. You must be exceptional at these skills to do any skill well. Those foundation skills are vision and body position; if you do either of those at less than 100% at any time, every skill will suffer.
Vision skills are much more than “look ahead.” I will teach you how to look at the trail and do vision drills to gain confidence in your vision. Understanding this and doing your vision drills will allow you to ride efficiently and faster, with more control and a greater sense of ease.
Body position is very dynamic. Mountain bike trails are rarely smooth and/or at a constant grade. I will teach you how to work with the trail and create the smoothest, most efficient ride.

Once you have a good understanding of vision and body position (and the drills to master those) I will teach you two different kinds of wheelies to get over obstacles.

Then we hit the trails to apply what we have learned. 

Female student cornering

Layout Of The 2-Day Core Skills 1 Course

Gene teaches drills for each skill so you can practice after the course and master these skills, ending the frustration of not riding to your potential.

A Typical Core Skills 1 Course runs from: 9:45 am on Saturday until 4:00 pm on Sunday.

Each day starts with 3-4 hours of skills instruction and drills in a local park followed by 2-3 hours of on trail practicing and riding on trail.

FIRST, he'll teach you the goal of the skill and explain - HOW to do it so you understand the skill & WHAT it should feel like.

THEN, he demonstrates the skill, so you can see it done and know what it should look like.

NEXT, you'll practice the skill using drills in a safe learning environment (so you don't resort to old habits and/or survival instincts) while Gene encourages and assists you.

Once you have a good understanding of the skill and have done some practice, we apply the skill out on the trail.

Gene Hamilton


Course Dates & Locations

Phone: 435 260 7696

Email: admin@betterride.net

Have any questions or comments? Email us or use the form below:

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